In ," Young Goodman Brown," the author Hawthorne communicates the theme of how our beliefs can change what we think they really are by using plot, tone, and symbolism.Young Good Man is a story about a Man who is very religious and lives in a town of secrecy, the story starts of with him going to the forest for a walk while he leaves his faith(wife) behind and while he's on the walk he meets and old man who is presumably the devil and the old man reviles that all the people he looked up to/ had faith(not his wife the literal meaning) in are not what they seem and are devil worshipers. The things is that he doesn't know if it was real or not because everyone is acting normal and that would explain all the things that happens,but its a town surrounded in secrecy so he question everything. Plot is how the story is going and what keeps it going and the author uses the plot to show the charter(young Goodman Brown) go through the journey from showing his beliefs and then l...