
Showing posts from April, 2020


 Fahrenheit 451 is about society and how it affects people .Fahrenheit 451 takes place in a future where firemen burn down houses, people are made outcasts by not following the norm, and people are too busy with technology and distractions to notice what is going on in the world. Their word is one controlled by the society they live in.  In Fahrenheit 451 firemen burn houses that contain books. They burn books because the society they live in had deemed them too problematical. When Beatty said, " Coloured people don't like Little Black Sambo. Burn it. White people don't feel good about Uncle Tom's Cabin. Burn it. Someone's written a book on tobacco and cancer of the lungs? The cigarette people are weeping? Bum the book." he is proving the point that the society they live in doesn't want these books because they could cause people to react in such a way that makes them unhappy and because of that they have decided to get rid of books. In Fahrenheit 451 ...


So I read the blog and yup it was pretty great. It went in depth on what Bradbury was talking about and even gave other ideas like how we are kinda going into the world that Bradbury was talking about and how he predicted somethings like TV, earbuds, and like advertisement. It pretty much gave us your opinion on the book and how you like and yeah it was good.


Well in the book when the bombs went off Montag was worried for the people he liked like Mildred and Faber. My reaction was more of a surprise to see them just be gone for an instant. This kinda compares to how I would react to something of that nature like when a dog I knew and would regularly go play with got euthanized for like killing another dog or something well anyways I was just shocked, but we have to keep on going you know there's nothing we can do about it and I do miss that dog, but he is alive in my memories so to me he is still alive.


So in the book they would talk about how they would write down books and stuff so they could remember them and they would memorize them and so on this made an impression on me because who would want to write down books and memorize as much because that sounds hard. This matters because it showed than some people actually do care about that type of stuff.


A dynamic character is Montag. In the beginning he just a fire man and he didn't really think about much on situation.  Well first he meets a girl named clarise and she helps him realize that he is unhappy. He then becomes curios about what makes him happy and this changes him by giving him a different look on his life  and by certain actions like taking books and reading them and wanting to learn more about them, He even did some major things that he the old him would have never done like actually kill someone(Beatty). Montag changed from a person who didn't really think about himself and the things around him to a person who questions why things are the way they are and becoming more aware of his surroundings. His change reflects the book because he is no longer stuck in the society that he lives in and can now see the real things that are going on.


I think there are somethings that can motivate someone to murder like what happen in the book with Montag. I think something that might motivate someone will be the fact that they must like a soldier who has to kill the enemy. I think something else that might give someone the motivation is anger or being scared or a combination of the both like in the book when Montag found out that they would arrest Faber he was probably scared and a little bit mad which caused him to kill Beatty. I only think that murder is justified if you really need to like in self defense.


I think Montag's decision to read the books was worth it. I think it was worth it because he already had the books so he would already have gotten in trouble and probably have gotten the same punishment  so that is why I think the risk was worth it you're getting into trouble then you better make it something worth for and in this case for Montag he really wanted to read the books.


Faber tells Montag that mistakes are ok and I think the reason that he gave this answer is because he knows that we can learn from our mistakes and with the more we do the more experience we will gain from that. We can use mistakes not only to learn from them, but to rebuild our courage and to build the capability to make smart risks. Like I said with the more mistakes we make the more we will lean from it and we will get a better understanding and stuff. I heard something like that on the internet it goes some where along the lines of ," The master has failed more times than the beginner has tried," something like that, but it gives off the same idea.


So when Faber was talking about the relationship between the US and other countries he says that there were already nuclear wars and that we won like 3 of them so I think that some countries won't like the US and we know this because of the amount of wars that happens. So yeah I believe that the people resulted to that because they probably didn't like what they were saying and that's probably why they have firemen burning the books that people will not like and so they wont cause problems.


The plan that Montag and Faber make is to collect books and make copies of them. I see this leading to them getting and Montag either having to burn down Faber's house or be on the run. The plan doesn't seem too good it is high risk and if they get caught which is going to be easy they are going to go to jail or even worse.


Montag gets in touch with Faber because he wanted to know more about books and no one would listen to him and then they came up with a plan about books and how they were going to print them and Montag would go around collecting them and Faber would be in his house that's why he gave Montag a seashell so they could communicate.


Montag is feeling guilt and that is why he is having trouble with his job he is now realizing that it is not all black and white and that those houses he burns are not just houses,but they are a property of people and they live in it and that's why he is having trouble. I don't know how I would feel,but I know that I would need to do it to be able to live and yeah I would feel bad,but there wouldn't be much I could do after all we're all trying to survive.


I think our curiosity is determined both by our personality and our culture. For example a person with a different personality say that they like to overthink stuff and a person who doesn't like to think much of it, they both will be curios of different things like one might be worrying about something and the other wouldn't even worry about it. Another example is that people from different cultures will have different curiosities and this one I've experienced. When I was younger my parents would tell me stories about how there are these monsters that would take and kill misbehaving children and I would wounder if they were real or not and I would get courtesies and I remember a friend that came from another country had never heard of it so he was not even curious of it. Yeah I think that peoples curiosity is based both on personality and culture.


Anything can make us happy and it just isn't external things. Sure external things make us happy,but so other things for example in times like these I can't get moment of quite and when my brother and sisters are all like watching  a movie I get time to relax and that makes me happy getting away from them because they are supper annoying , so that is evidence that not all happiness is external.


So I think that the reason we are like this is because of the environment. People are afraid of failure so they don't even want to try to do their best and others don't want to stand out so they don't want to show that they are smart. I think it is about how people want to belong and don't want to stand out because that would mean you are different and then people would not like you, it's kinda like a mod mentality you know. I do think that we became a society in which Bradbury feared, but I believe that we can always change so yeah there's that.


Independence is important when we need to make a decision for ourselves for example what career path we chose to go on ,it's important when we need to do something for ourselves. Interdependence is important when we are trying to do something for each other for example the interdependent relation ship between a team and their coach.


So my opinions on books that they are fine because up until this point that is how we learned stuff and this online schooling is new to me as well. I remember when I was in the 5th or 4th grade I heard that they were getting rid of written tests in favor for online ones and I thought that would never happen because it just sounded weird, but I mean look at me now typing away using a computer. The new technology is both use full and not so. The reason I say this is because of my experiences because when it works it is a blessing,but when something goes wrong it is just frustration for example when I'm in class sometimes the WiFi just doesn't work and I can't do anything with my tablet and it just is really an inconvenience. I think it's alright though and I think it could be very useful if they continue using it , I mean at least that's what I think.


I believe that the way we are is influenced by our surroundings and I'm not sure how much of that is really us. For example I know that people are influenced by other people for example my little brother, I am the  2nd oldest child and I only have 1 brother and the rest are sisters(there are 5 of us in total) well anyways I noticed that my brother liked the same things I did and disliked the same things I did and when I found something cool he did to and that's when I noticed that he is being influenced by me and then I realized that I don't think he would like somethings on his on like I grew up with with sisters, but their things never interested me like makeup and other things. That is why I believe that we are influenced by our surroundings and that makes me wounder how much our matter of personalty is based on ourselves.